Multiple Choice: Select a single correct response from a set of options, just as you will in the actual exam.
Multiple Response: Some questions may require you to select more than one correct answer, testing your ability to identify all relevant solutions.
Fill-in-the-Blank Calculation: Test your ability to perform calculations. Use the integrated calculator if necessary to complete the question.
Exhibit Questions: Review an exhibit or problem presented in the exam and select the correct answer based on the information provided.
Graphics-Based Questions: Visual elements such as images may be included as part of the question stem or answer choices, requiring you to interpret and respond accordingly.
With a timed limit of 4 hours, these mock exams will help you gain familiarity with the format, build confidence, and improve your time management skills in preparation for the real REx-PN exam. Take the first step toward success by practicing with our realistic and diverse exam simulations.
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